Friends. Lovers. Countrypeople.

I am Velvet Tom and I have been put on this earth to do one thing.
No, it’s not to “hit-it-and-quit-it”.
No, it’s not to skip out on my bar tab
No, it’s not to break Elizabeth Taylor’s divorce record
No, it’s not to punch Michael Buble’ in the nose
No, it’s not to leave my DNA in every motel in America
Performing for you! I was put on this earth for YOU!
The Holidays are a festive time!
Festivities mean cheer!
Cheer means singing!
Singing means ME!

Change it up and book me!
If you’re reading this blog, then you’re at my website. Look around. Everything you need to to know about my show is right here!
You’re a click away! Dates are available thru New Years!
See you soon!